Contact Info
- Lilongwe, Malawi
- +265 899 25 21 95 (Whatsapp)
- Working Days: Monday - Friday
“Think big, act small, fail fast, learn rapidly”. This is the slogan that is associated with the Lean software development approach, which is also applicable to running a business. Lean and the associated agile methodologies, are a set of principles for achieving quality, speed, and customer alignment. Software development is a highly structured discipline, that […]
“Is web design hard?”, a friend of mine asked me the other day, and my answer to this question was, “It depends who you ask”. For me, web design can be described as a challenging, and yet fulfilling undertaking. You might be surprised to learn that the challenging aspect of it rarely has much to […]
With millions of existing websites and thousands more being created every day, the World Wide Web has seen exponential growth since the early 90s. This is where Search Engine Optimization (S E O) comes in. In the face of these statistical odds, a serious problem arises for website owners, and marketers on the Internet. How […]
The ability to form new images, and sensations not perceived through the senses such as sight, hearing, and others, but existing through the mind is known as imagination. Imagination allows us to come up with something new, and somehow valuable that may take a tangible physical substance, in the form of an invention, for example, […]
In my experience in web development, I have come to realise that, usually, the potential that lies in having a website is not well comprehended, and the reason for having one in the first place is also often misunderstood. Far from acting like an electronic brochure, or an embodiment of a company’s profile in electronic […]
I have always been fascinated with how search engines work. How wondrous it is that we are able to type in a few keywords into a search box, and as if by magic, we are presented with numerous results, or in other words, what the search engine perceives to be our desired online resources, ranked […]
Even if you do not directly engage in activities that involve software development, or any similar range of activities, there are plenty of reasons why you should know about Open Source Software. Open Source is not just another buzz word for nerds and technically oriented individuals. It is a different way of looking at how […]
Contrary to the thinking of Adam Smith- the father of modern day Economics, I believe self-betterment is the key to achieving a better world. Smith theorised that self-interest, through the mechanisms of the “invisible hand”, and not public-interest, should indirectly bring about a fair distribution of resources by means of the free market system, which […]
My introduction to computers was not technically remarkable considering that I started out with an archaic machine that my parents bought from a garage sale. Nevertheless, my journey with this wonderfully amazing feat of human endeavour in technology has been nothing but sublime. My first attempts at programming were by means of a book that […]