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If you have been around the block for a while, online, you might have heard of the term “The Cloud”. What is it? For one thing, “The Cloud” is an interesting term and quite creative, considering what it refers to: Something “Up There”. Although the process has been gradually ongoing, Webmobyle recently took the leap […]
It is May 2020 and the World is in the grip of deadly disease in the form of Covid-19. Until a vaccine is found, which everyone understands will be a long way off, the best we can do, is take measures to reduce infections and protect ourselves the best we can. A vaccine is a […]
The thing about conflict is that it brings the worst out of everyone involved, whilst they are in the middle of it. The moment it sets in, the fight or flight response comes into play and before you know it, you are in conflict, and things that shouldn’t be said are uttered, and regrettable actions […]
It is April 2020. The Covid-19 pandemic is wreaking havoc all across the World. Millions are getting infected, with deaths in the thousands across the globe. One of the most advocated approaches to combating the virus has been social distancing. Social distancing is a term that describes the initiative to keep a distance of 1 […]
The Web can be a malicious place for individuals and businesses. The need to protect website users was apparent from the 90s, and will continue indefinitely. We often use passwords for protecting our online resources, and SSL is used to protect data whilst it is in transit on the Internet. When you enter a password, […]
It is April 2020. Whilst the World is being overwhelmed by the Covid-19 pandemic, many nations are putting their citizens on lockdown. There are various models that nations are taking to address the crisis, but what is common with all of them, is reduction of movement and points of contact for their citizens. Botswana, on […]
This being the last blog post in a three-part-series on Artificial Intelligence (AI), I just thought it would be appropriate to end with how Artificial Intelligence will affect your current bread and butter: your job. It is not a question of if, but a question of when, AI will likely replace humans on the job. […]
In my last blog post I discussed A Brave New World of AI. This was a general discussion on how AI is making an impact on the world today, and what can be expected in the future. However, not all fields of application are impacted the same way, and the method of application differs widely. NOTE: This […]
Unless you have been living under a rock in recent times, it is likely you have come across the term AI, or Artificial Intelligence in full. This is a term that has been a big buzz-word recently, whether you are talking about self driving cars or websites. NOTE: This blog post is part of a three-part […]
Internet connectivity can sometimes be taken for granted when developing an app. Whether it be a web app or a mobile app, this is a factor that should be given serious consideration. You have to ask yourself whether it is important that users have access to the app even if there is no Internet connectivity. […]