Contact Info
- Lilongwe, Malawi
- +265 899 25 21 95 (Whatsapp)
- Working Days: Monday - Friday
They say nothing lasts forever, and so is it with website designs. Eventually, they too will have to be discarded and replaced. When people get their website designed and developed, they often do not bear in mind, that there will come a time when it will become obsolete, and therefore do not plan for that […]
I write quite a lot on the subject of Internet Marketing of late, which admittedly tends to focus on the technology. There are however other aspects of the marketing equation that have nothing to do with technology, or at least very little to do with it. These are human aspects of marketing, that have to […]
Over the years, I have seen people build websites, only to forget about them almost as soon as they go live. This observation has made me realise that, there is something fundamentally flawed with the way people perceive their websites, in relation to their businesses or organisations. The flaw arises from people seeing the website […]
Technological innovations that have brought us developments such as social media, and Internet Search, have propelled Internet Marketing to new heights. They have brought us Internet Marketing tools and resources, that enable almost anyone to reach a wider audience. These developments have made it increasingly affordable for businesses, even small ones, to afford access to […]
Websites can be created as dynamic, using Content Management Systems, or they can be created as static, when more simplistic in nature. With recent developments in technologies for the development of dynamic websites, the question of whether static website designs are still relevant is a pertinent one. Before exploring the relevance of static website designs […]
Unless your business is a rare, one of a kind, that sells itself naturally, everyone needs to actively market their business. Whilst there are lots of ways to promote your business, it is more cost effective to do it online. And two of the popular channels through which to conduct Internet Marketing, are Facebook Ads […]
Responsive Web Design (RWD) is the concept of having a website, respond to conform to the screen size of the device, on which it is being viewed. This is a very useful feature of modern web design, that your website should definitely have. The Explosion In Mobile Device Use The need for websites, to be […]
Crowdsourcing is the term used when a business obtains needed services, ideas or content, by engaging a large group of people other than employees or suppliers to contribute, especially in an online community. This method of achieving goals, is highly suited to a marketing campaign and can be employed in your business. Many examples of […]
Getting a website for your business, or organisation is a structured process. I often find that most clients looking for a website, do not have a clue of how highly involved this process can be. As a result, one of the roles of a web designer and developer, is to guide the client from the […]
The touchy subject of whether anything worthwhile can ever be free, came up whilst I was re-evaluating the marketing strategy for Webmobyle. We often see offers being made by businesses, with a claim that you may acquire something for free. Is this true, or even realistic? The Real Issue The real concern that will lead […]