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- Lilongwe, Malawi
- +265 899 25 21 95 (Whatsapp)
- Working Days: Monday - Friday
No one can pass up an opportunity to win. Setting up a competition is one of the sure ways of getting more followers on social media, and subsequently more customers. Media, even in the traditional sense, has always been instrumental in spearheading the drive to acquire more customers through massive engagement. The Nature Of The […]
It’s a strange term isn’t it? The cloud. To the uninitiated, the phrase brings about concepts of fluffy water-based formations up in the sky. With reference to the Web however, “The Cloud” refers to a collection of computer, information technology and software applications accessible by means of a network connection. Often, these resources are accessed […]
For as long as I can remember, I had always been gripped by a horrible fear. I am sure you can relate. Think of the questions that race through your mind when you are confronting a new situation. What if it’s the wrong thing? Or what if it’s the right thing, and I can’t handle […]
Some things just go very well together: like fish and chips or nuts and bolts. And so it is with logos and websites. The relationship between a logo and the website on which it appears is a close-knit situation. It is therefore incomprehensible that you have a great website without a great logo to go […]
The basic tenets of marketing have not changed much with the arrival of Online Marketing, even though the approach is vastly different when compared to traditional marketing. Whether doing things the traditional way or marketing online, one effective approach to increasing sales, the up-sell, remains a viable consideration for any business. What Is Upselling Upselling […]
As human beings, it is in our nature to thrive when we feel like we are making progress. When we are seeking and discovering better versions of ourselves. This is why we feel good, after an achievement such as graduating from college, or receiving a raise at work. At the centre of all the feel-good […]
Most people today have at one point or another heard of a business plan, and have most probably been told, or believe that a business cannot succeed without it. But can’t it really? Before we can answer this question we have to explore the benefits, followed by the downside of having a business plan. The […]
I’ve always been fascinated by Information Technology. The fascination extends beyond what collective great minds have achieved, to how they were able to achieve it. Just being able to view or listen to this blog post as you are doing now, is a culmination thousands of technological advancements and even more individual contributions. I believe […]
Whenever we are involved in an activity, there are phases that we go through. With each moment we make headway, and can see for ourselves, how far we have come. Looking back and measuring progress allows us to gauge the level of success in that particular task. I have found it essential over the years, […]
Dreams should be treated as a plant that is expected to bear fruit, or a crop expected to produce bountiful harvest. I have never had the opportunity of running a farm where bountiful harvest was expected, but I have on occasions in the past tended to a small garden. The thing about gardens and crops, […]