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Frequently Asked Questions


Below are answers to some of the common questions we get regarding our services. Contact us if you need more information.

  • 01. What services do you offer?

    Webmobyle offers affordable professional, people centred, App and Web Development as well as related services for international clients. The services provided spans a range of solutions from E-commerce with Online Payment Systems, to Server Based service including Email, Web Hosting and Domain Name Management Services.

  • 02. I already have a website, how can you assist me?

    We will redesign your website in order to significantly improve its design, creatively enhance it and also update the content of your website.

  • 03. What categories of websites do you offer?

    We offer the following categories of websites;

    1. Single Page Websites which feature a Navigation Menu linking to sections of a single page.
    2. Professional Websites which feature up to 15 pages of content.
    3. E-commerce Websites which have product listings and a shopping cart.

    All website categories have responsive design and contact forms that allow your customers to contact you directly from the website and include basic on-site search engine optimization.

  • 04. What is the difference between a website and a web app?

    Depending on how custom a solution it is, it can be a website or a web app. Web apps are more pricey than websites but they are more feature and functionally-rich and are aimed at highly custom solutions and scenarios. A web app can implement any type of functionality you desire whilst a website is more limited and serves typical scenarios.

  • 05. What Content Management System(CMS) do you use?

    We use WordPress as the CMS to build websites. WordPress is an open-source content management system written in PHP and paired with a MySQL database. Features include a plugin architecture with lots of options to expand the functionality of your website.

  • 06. What platform do you use for web apps?

    Our web apps are built on the Laravel Framework in conjunction with HTML5, JavaScript, CSS3 and MySQL database. Laravel is an open-source PHP web framework, created by Taylor Otwell and intended for the development of web applications following the model-view-controller architectural pattern and based on Symfony. It is very robust, powerful and secure.

  • 07. What platform do you use for mobile apps?

    Our mobile apps are cross-platform (Available on both Android and iOS) built with the Flutter Software Development Kit(SDK). Flutter is an open-source UI software development kit created by Google. It is used to develop cross-platform applications for Android, iOS, Linux, Mac, Windows, Google Fuchsia, and the web from a single codebase.

  • 08. Do you also provide web hosting and domain services?

    Yes. We provide web hosting for our websites and web apps, which also includes email and domain management. You however have the option to use a suitable hosting service of your choice or manage one yourself. You will need to cover an annual fee for these services.

  • 09. Will you manage hosting for my mobile app?

    No. We do not manage your hosting for the mobile app stores, you do this yourself. We assist you to set everything up, of course. The reason for this is that; app stores recommend that your app hosting be in the name of your organisation.

  • 10. Will You backup and restore my project data?

    Yes. We periodically backup your project on our servers and are in a position to restore it, at a nominal fee, if the need arises.

  • 11. Will you maintain my website or app?

    Yes. In the interest of keeping your project up-to-date and secure, we carry out annual upgrades billed at a nominal fee.

  • 12. How do you price your services?

    Our services pricing varies based on the features you require. Websites typically have almost fixed prices whilst the price for web or mobile apps can vary significantly depending on your requirements.

  • 13. Do you charge for consultation?
    No. Our consultation is wholly and completely free. Feel free to Book a Consultation Session with us and you will not incur any fees. The consultation is obligation-free-no-strings-attached.
  • 14. What are your payment terms, currencies and methods?

    We understand how important it is to make payments as easy and frictionless as possible for you, our client.

    We are therefore always looking into new and innovative ways to simplify payments for you. When we find any cool such payment methods, you will be promptly notified through any of our communication channels.

    For Payment Terms and available Payment Methods visit:

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